Fictional character Dr Bruce Banner, which can be transformed as a green giant named Hulk, may only be a figment of imagination displayed visually through the film The Avengers made by Marvel. Although it looks impossible, the character turns out to really exist in cyberspace. Perhaps, a figure named Sajad Gharibi is one of them.
Dubbed the Iranian Hulk or the Hulk from Iran, his figure deserves to be juxtaposed with the marketer of the green creature. Of course, all thanks to the muscles and giant body outside the normal size of a normal person. Famous on social media, Sajad turned out to be a scholar and became a pride for his country. Hmm, so I'm curious about Boombastis Friends. What does the figure look like?
Known to have a giant body that made him nicknamed the Hulk
In his country, the man who was born December 19, 1991, was known as a figure who wrestles with activities as a bodybuilder. A number of activities such as weightlifting and others are often shared through his personal Instagram account. Not just a matter of bodybuilding and a stocky body. Sajad is also known quite academically. Yes, the 28-year-old man is a Bachelor of Commerce graduate from Azad Islamic University in Bushehr, Iran.
With the size of the muscles and the body above humans in general, the figure of Sajad became very phenomenal in cyberspace. Not surprisingly, many Mixed Martial Art (MMA) fighters offered to challenge him in the octagon arena. Reporting from the Sports Compass, he was said to be dealing with a Brazilian fighter named Romario dos Santos Alvez.
Famous on Instagram and was challenged to fight in the MMA arena
As a result, these challenges made Sajad increasingly popular on social media, especially Instagram. In addition to Romario, there are several MMA fighters who want to try the strength of the Iranian Hulk. Names like Brian Ortega and Martyn Ford, are potential opponents who have raised challenges to him. For Ford, the deal with the British fighter was finally cancelled.
For Brian himself, the challenges proposed were limited to boasting. As quoted from SCMP, he said he would destroy Sajad Gharibi if the two met at the Octagon arena despite weighing around 240 pounds. On Sajad's side, he plans to have his first MMA battle "before 2020". Whether it's Brian or Romario, everything is still not clear.
Consumption of food and a combination of exercise
into the secret
Interestingly, the large body obtained by Sajad is not entirely instant. There is a special pattern that he routinely applies to get this. One of them is through food. Reporting from Witty Feed, he began his breakfast with menus such as omelette, some chicken and energy drinks, Royal Angel in large portions. For fruits, Sajad often consumes kiwi, banana, apple, strawberry and orange.
Not enough, he added to his nutritional intake with a menu that is considered a 'snack' aka snacks, such as canned fish, peas and lemons. It is also interspersed with eating eggs, bananas, milk and several other foods. All of these foods, then combined with weight training which is a daily routine. Ckckck ... Amazing guys ...
Exciting too, apparently. The combination of food and weight training is done, able to make the body of a Sajad Gharibi so stocky like the character of the Hulk. If you have such a big body, what do you want to do, Boombastis Friends?